Story Dogs
We have the ‘Story Dogs Reading Support Program’ operating at Pacific Paradise State School;

Story Dogs is a fun, unique and exciting reading program in our school. Benefits to our school and students:-
• Year 2 students receive one on one time, approx. 20 mins, with an accredited Dog Team, the dog handler and the dog.;
• A reading support program that gets results – see web site for more details ;
• Minimal class disruption – the dog does not go into the classroom unless invited by the classroom teacher. All reading sessions are outside of the classroom in a quiet space nearby;
• A new and exciting spin on reading for our students and;
• A FREE unique reading support program.
• The Dog Team visits on the same day at the same time each week, seeing the same 4 – 6 Target Students.
• Books are chosen to suit the child’s reading level. Story Dogs does supply books and books can also be from the classroom or library.
• During the session the handler often speaks through the dog, such as; “Lassie doesn’t quite understand what is happening on this page could you help him out?” The child becomes the teacher; confidence soars!
National Testing for Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN
The tests will see all students in Years 3 and 5 sitting the same tests as their interstate counterparts.
The test results will provide information about how all state and non-state school students are performing in literacy and numeracy at their year level in comparison to their peers across Australia.
Parent Tips for preparing your child for NAPLAN:
While it’s important that students perform at their best, it’s also important that students are not unduly stressed.
Here are some general tips for your child’s preparation:
- Get at least eight hours sleep prior to each day of testing
- It is extremely important for your child to have a balanced breakfast on each testing day
- It is also important that your child have access to healthy food for morning tea each day of testing (packed lunch or tuckshop)
- Please ensure that your child is in school winter uniform so they are warm.
- Students must be on time to school
A "Smartie" knows how to prepare for the test
Get a good night’s sleep.
Have a healthy breakfast
Try your best.