
Pacific Paradise State School P&C


Uniform shop


Uniform Shop Opening Hours.png
Back to School Sales

For back to school sales in the January of every year, we open from 9.00 am to 12noon, everyday in the week before school resumes.

Price List.png


Dress code

Our official school uniform is a jade green school logo polo shirt and blue skorts or shorts. 

We have a compulsory wide brim school logo navy hat for sun safety.

Also available is a coloured polo shirt for sports with house and school logos printed. This can be worn all day on class sports days and whole of school sports days.

Every February, we do a winter jacket order for those who pre-order and pay the full cost or deposit at the time of order.

After consultation with the P&C and school parents, a shoe and sock policy was introduced in January, 2012 as follows:

  • black shoes with black laces and white socks

Hair is to be tied back with natural hair colour ties or navy hair ties. No colourful headbands or ties allowed.

These are not available at the Uniform shop.


Senior Shirts

Year 6 Students are provided the opportunity to order personalised 'Senior Shirts' including the cohort's list of first names on that back.  These are ususally ordered in Term 4 of Grade 5 and is organised by the front office.  Students are welcome to wear this shirt as part of their school uniform each day to identify them as our 'Seniors of the School'.

Senior shirt.jpg

Second hand items

Apart from stocks of new items, we do have a thriving second hand uniform department. We only sell items of reasonable to good quality that were originally purchased at school. Items can be donated and any money raised goes to the P&C to benefit all students in our school or you may wish us to sell items for you on a consignment basis (BSB and Account number and account name are required at the time). Please do not price items yourself.

Contact Info:



School24 App

School24 PPSS (1).png

Cafe Menu - Term 1 

Tuckshop Menu Term 1.PNG

Join our Tuckshop Team - Volunteers 

Volunteer - Tuckshop.PNG 

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Last reviewed 03 March 2025
Last updated 03 March 2025