Our School Sign
In 2013 we officially opened our new electronic sign at the front of our school. It was a great opportunity for us to thank our partners who funded this project. We would never have been able to afford such a dynamic sign without the very generous support of our major sponsor, Mrs Judy Blackall from the Marcoola Branch of the Bendigo Bank and of Mr Tony Brown from Maroochydore North Shore Realty.
We realised that we needed to change our old sign which needed replacement. We commenced researching suitable options which would carry us well into the future and decided upon an electronic sign which would allow much more flexibility than just plain text.
We were unable to fund such a project and I contacted two of our long term partners for support. The response was again amazing. Judy and the Marcoola Branch of the Bendigo Bank had been extremely supportive of our school previously (Instrumental music trailer and the Kitchen Garden) and very generously provided funding to support our new sign. Tony from Maroochy North Shore Realty had sponsored our previous sign and immediately agreed to sponsor the new sign.
Our P&C Association also allocated funds to pay for the trenching, electrical connections and also to include some big spotlights to light up the car park for evening functions.
Our sign then started to become a reality. We were very fortunate to be able to award the contract for the sign to a local company, SunQuest industries. Their ongoing support and advice has been very much appreciated.
Our sign has certainly added another way of communicating with our school community and would never have been possible without the generosity of our partners.
Pictured are Mrs Rebecca Statham (P&C President), Mr Tony Brown (Maroochy North Shore Realty) and Mrs Judy Blackall (Marcoola Branch of the Bendigo Bank) cutting the ribbon at the opening.

East Timor Shoe Box Project
As many of our parents and students are aware, our school enthusiastically participates in the East Timor Shoe Box project each year.
Pacific Paradise State School will join Cooroy and Tewantin State School students in assembling more than 1,500 educational care parcels to go to the children of Sao Miguel (St. Michael) at Raikotu - a school about 30 minutes west of Dili.
The school has about 150 kindergarten students and about 250 primary school students. Seven years ago, with the help of Cooroy, Marcoola and Tewantin Community Bank branches and Rotary Club of Noosa, Cooroy and Mooloolaba, Sao Miguel was identified as a community school that didn’t receive help from the Ministry of Education in Timor.
Each parcel donated by the children is a decorated shoe box with enclosed items including exercise books, rulers, erasers, pens and pencils, all topped off with a personal item from each student for the child opening it at the other end.
It’s been a great way for our Pacific Paradise State School students to give back and if families are able, we hope you enjoy the opportunity of putting the care parcels together to bring to school for an all-school assembly.
This project continues to build on our special relationship with the Marcoola Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank and Rotary.