
Student leadership


Student Leaders undertake important leadership roles within our student cohort and also represent the school at a number of important events (ANZAC Day, student leaders investitures etc.). Public speaking is an aspect of this role. Being a good role model and having an exemplary student record is mandatory for this position. 

Sport Leaders

Sport Leaders are responsible for organising their House teams at the swimming and athletics carnivals. They will help run the School Cross Country, conduct the lunchtime class sporting competitions and be involved with training our school teams. Elected leaders would report on parade after carnivals and on school representative teams.

Performing Arts Leaders

A performing arts leader would be a position held by students who excel in the areas of music and drama. They would be students who are involved in one or more of the many arts activities we have at school i.e. choirs, rock band, junior/senior band, the musical and other dramatic performances we have during the year.
The students would make regular announcements and give updates on parade about upcoming events, concerts, etc. They would also be in charge of helping setup for parade and class performances. They will receive training on how to use the audio/visual gear in the hall in order to do this. They would run messages and reminders, help with organisation of music, scripts, letters home etc. and speak at important events.

Instrumental Leaders

Instrumental leaders are students who play an instrument in the school band. They would be responsible for arriving on time for rehearsals, to set-up and pack-up the conductor’s podium and music stand when rehearsing/performing, to hand out and stamp music when required, to place banners on music stands when performing and collecting them afterwards, to report any music problems that arise during the week from band members to the instrumental teacher and take on extra responsibility if required.

Position Requirement

It is required that students undertaking Student Leader, Sport Leader, Performing Arts or Instrumental Leader positions will have a good student record. Their conduct in all school activities must be at a high level at all times. 
Students should also have good previous leadership involvement in student activities such as; student council, choir, sustainability assistant, library, sports activities, peer tutoring. They must demonstrate that you are a good role model for your peers.
Student Leaders are required to be enthusiastic and uphold school ideals and policies. This includes always being an outstanding representative of the school, wearing and promoting the wearing of the school uniform, involvement in and promoting involvement in all school activities (sports and cultural activities).

Selection Process

Students wishing to apply to become school leaders must respond to the Selection Criteria and submit their portfolio to Mr Franklin by November on the previous year.
The applications will be assessed by a committee comprising the Principal, Deputy Principal, Year 5 & 6 teachers, specialist teachers and Student Leaders. From the applications, a list of the most suitable candidates will be shortlisted to prepare and make speeches to the student body.
The staff and the Year 5 & 6 student body will then vote to select the four student leaders. Once the Student Leaders have been selected, the remaining applicants will then be short listed for Sport Leader and Performing Arts Positions and the same process followed.


Students are to write their application following the criteria listed. They may add any other information that they see as relevant. All students will be considered for Student Leader positions but may write their application for a particular leader position eg: Sport House, Performing Arts or Instrumental Leader.


Student Leaders
Year 6  2 Boys & 2 Girls
Sport House Leaders
Year 6  4 Boys & 4 Girls
Performing Arts Leaders
Year 6
Instrumental Leaders
Year 6

Application for position of Student Leader

Students are to address the selection criteria below:
Their portfolio is to be presented in an A4 folder.
Applications to be handed to the health and physical education teacher during November of the previous year. 
The following information needs to be included:
  • Name, Class, House
  • Order of Preference (not all positions need to be numbered if not applicable)
  • Student Leader
  • Sport Leader
  • Performing Arts Leader
  • Instrumental Leader
  • Sustainability
1. What qualities do you have to make you a good Student, Sport, Performing Arts or Instrumental Leader at Pacific Paradise State School?
2. How have you demonstrated these in your time at Pacific Paradise State School?
3. If chosen what would you bring to the role of Student, Sport, Performing Arts or Instrumental Leader.
4. What are some ideas you may be able to introduce to our School?
5. Previous involvement in school activities (i.e. student council, library, choir, band, school sporting team, classroom leadership, 40 hour famine, school musical, cultural activities, peer tutoring etc.):
  •  You will need to provide a current photo of yourself.
  •  A short introduction explaining who you are, what class you are in and some general information about yourself.
  • List any awards you have received during your time at Pacific Paradise State School or previous schools you have attended.
If you need assistance with your application please talk to your class teacher.
Remember “All children are leaders in various situations”, so prepare a portfolio and you will be surprised with what you have done and what you can do.
Last reviewed 03 April 2020
Last updated 03 April 2020