Bring Your Own Device:
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We are so lucky, not only to live in Australia, but more particularly because we live on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. We have, on our doorstep, the Pacific Ocean, rivers, creeks, mountains and forests. We commonly see wild-life that most of the world
regards as exotic or unusual…and we have a vast range of modern facilities that make our lives comfortable, safe and full of opportunity.
In 2020 the Department of Education released the latest update to its Strategic Plan, something it does every year to ensure a consistency of vision within an ever-changing world. This year, the Department of Education has included some statistics that influence how we teach and learn.
- 60% of new jobs require skills held by 20 per cent of the workforce
- 1 in 2 of the world's entrepreneurs are between the ages of 25 and 44
- 40% of Australian jobs are at risk of being automated in the next 10—15 years
- 3 in 4 of the fastest growing occupations require science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related skills and knowledge
The world our children and grandchildren will inherit will be – and it already is – a digital world.
Technology devices are simply tools at school, technology devices are tools for learning and teaching; they are tools for communicating, collaborating and being creative. They are also tools that help us make connections, share our knowledge and understanding and enable us to experience places, communities and expertise far removed from our homes and familiar environments.
Our students – our kids – still need to run and play; lift up a rock and find… tell a story about… imagine ‘what if’… learn new skills… and teach others how to…

iPads in Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 are enablers, engagers and enhancers. A student learning how to take photos, record video or to ask Siri about a tree frog is enabling their own learning. A student who is using a story creator to author their own story to share with others is engaged in manipulating English, building vocabulary and understanding the purpose of literature. A student who can explain what they have been learning, air-drop examples of their work and access them to show what they know ‘now’ is enhancing not only the skill on display but also understanding deeply about the quality of their learning.
Our 2022 Prep, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 Bring Your Own iPad program is not about having our students access ‘screen time’. It is about our students having an amazing tool for learning and about learning how to use that tool in creative and flexible ways – the future belongs to our students, and we need to make sure they have the skills for whatever future they imagine for themselves.
Yours sincerely,
Dominic Carter - Principal