Join Pacific Paradise State School and learn with us through 
All families considering enrolling their child into Prep are encouraged to take advantage of our Ready4Prep Program which includes workshops, play sessions and events available to best prepare for a successful transition to our school. We welcome out of catchment enrolments and encourage you to keep up to date with our 2025 important dates!
When can my child start
your child’s birthday into the School
Age Calculator Australia and it will reveal what year your child can start school.
Step 1: Initial Intake
Download our Prep Information Booklet to read all about Prep at our School.
Complete our Ready4Prep Survey to register your interest in our school and tell us a little bit about your child.
View our Prep 2025 Important Dates to find all the upcoming dates for the current year.
may like to attend our community playgroup ‘Paradise Playgroup' held on Friday mornings during the school term.
Our Under 8's Day is one of the most exciting events on our school Calendar. Our local Early Childhood Centres and Kindergarten children are invited to attend. You may like to bring your child along to celebrate!
Step 2: Complete the Enrolment Documentation
documentation is available from our front office. Alternatively, you are able to download our Enrolment Pack online.
Please note that forms cannot be accepted unless all relevant
paperwork and documents i.e., proof of birth etc. are presented.
Step 3: Your Child's Enrolment Interview
Once your Enrolment Pack has been received, you will be provided with a link to book an Enrolment Interview. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
2025 Prep Enrolment Interviews are scheduled to be conducted during the following timeframes:
- Term 2, Week 4 & 5
- Term 3, Week 4 & 5
- Term 4, Week 4 & 5
Please note: These interview times are subject to change due Admin to availability and by demand. The interview will be with the school Principal or delegate.
Step 4: Prep Guided Tours
Come and join one of our staff on a guided tour of our junior school. This provides you and your child with an opportunity to view our Prep Classrooms, the Prep Play areas, our Resource Centre, Paradise Cafe and the school hall. You may even get to see some of our current preps in action!
Prep Guided Tours are scheduled between for the following timeframes:
Term 2
Term 3
- Thursday 15 August 2024
- Tuesday 20 August 2024
- Tuesday 27 August 2024
- Friday 13 September 2024
Please meet outside the School Office at 9:00am.
Tours should conclude by approximately 9:45am. If you are needing an alternative time please contact the office to book.
Step 5: Prep Classroom Visits
During the month of October, children from
our local Early Childhood Centres and
Kindergartens are invited to attend a
morning session in the Prep classrooms. You may like to bring your child along to one of the available Prep 2025 Classroom Visit dates.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to experience our Prep setting. We encourage your child to attend at least two of these visits.
If your child
does not attend one of our local Centres or
Kindergartens, they are welcome to join any of
our available sessions. Please call the office to
confirm a date that is suitable.
Step 6: Attend Prep Parent Information Night
Parents are invited to attend our Prep Parent Information Night which is held on 11 November 2024 from 6PM-7:30PM. (invitation will be sent closer to the event date)
The evening will be conducted in our Resource Centre (library) and parents are briefed on the processes around our Curriculum, the Positive Behaviour for Learning Framework, Student Wellbeing and whole school inclusion processes. Opportunities to discuss the prep routine, literacy and numeracy in the early years, predicted outcomes for students and the use of our facilities are provided for those who attend. You are welcome to raise any questions you may have in relation to your child's transition, at this Information Night.
Step 7: Attend Group Orientation
This is an essential part of our transition program where all enrolled pre-preps will attend an orientation session on Friday 29 November, along with other children whom have enrolled at our school.
Our Group Orientation Morning provides opportunities for the children to meet our Prep teachers in a play-based environment and helps ensure a smooth transition into Prep.
your child has been given a Transition Statement by their current childcare
provider/kindergarten, please bring it in to the office or email to:
An invitation to this morning will be provided after completing the Enrolment Pack.
Step 8: Uniform Shop Fitting
Visit our Uniform Shop for price lists and general opening hours to have your child fitted and dressed, ready for Prep!
Step 9: Get Organised for Care
Visit our Paradise Kids Club for outside of school hour care information and enrolment process.
'Ready4Prep' Program Documents