School Buses
Free bus transport is provided by Queensland Transport to all pupils who live more than 3.2 km from our school.
For more information about getting to and home from Pacific Paradise State School please follow the link below.
Do you need to apply for a school bus pass?
The Queensland Government’s School Transport Assistance Scheme (STAS) provides assistance to enable eligible school students to attend education facilities.
All students who travel on buses are expected to manage their own behaviour at all times. Disrupting the driver can have very serious safety consequences.
Queensland Transport has implemented a Code of Conduct which clearly outlines the expected behaviours and also details consequences for students who fail to mage their own behaviour and consequently endanger the lives of other passengers.
These consequences include not permitting the student to travel on the bus for a period of time, the permanent refusal of travel privileges, civil court action and/or police prosecution.
Parents of children who are experiencing inappropriate behaviour of another student should contact the school bus driver immediately. The bus driver is then obliged to implement the Code of Conduct.
Should this not address the situation, then parents should contact Queensland Transport directly on (07) 5477 8400.
More information on School Bus services, please visit the following Queensland Transport website:
School Crossing
We have a supervised school crossing outside the school and Crossing supervisors are on daily duty:
Mornings 7.50am to 8.50am
Afternoons 2.40-pm to 3.10 pm.
Parents are asked to encourage students to use the crossing at all times.
Cars are not to be parked in the "No Standing" zones as they obstruct the view of the crossing and endanger children’s’ lives.