
Our community


Parent Support Contacts

The list below is a selection of some of the programs available locally and not an exhaustive list, it is a guide only.

Please note that a number of these services may have wait lists or specific access criteria and the parents need to make contact and explore these options.

Triple P - Positive Parenting Program

 Simple routines and small changes to help families.  Encourages positive behaviour and relationships and helps develop positive, consistent and decisive approaches to deal with problem behaviours.

Community Child and Health Services—Maroochydore

5459 6901

Families Plus (Division of Lifeline) - Maroochydore 5452 8000

Centacare (Catholic Family & Community Services) - Maroochydore 5430 9300

Parenting tip sheets available on website—

MYCP—Management of Young Children Program

Intensive program—based on concept with support, parent is able to master skills in child management.  Children and parents involved in program.

“An individual parenting skills training and support program for parents of behaviourally difficult children”.

MYCCP—Landsborough 5436 2777


Phone support, counselling and parent education

Parenting tip sheets available on website

Ph. 1300 301 300

P5 Parenting Course

Group program assisting parents to develop positive parenting skills and form good relationships for their family. Improves parent confidence and independence in child management.

Sunshine Coast Family Contact Centre—Harmony Harmony Maroochydore 5479 6972

Courses run each term.

Proactive Parenting Course

Open to parents of children under 10 years old.  Group program to develop and improve parenting skills.  Building positive family relationships.

Nambour Community Health 5450 4750


Community counselling psychology service.  Service includes individual, family and group counselling.  Available as a Bulk Billed service to individuals on a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP.

Maroochydore 5451 0555

Family Support Program

Family Support Program is a home-visiting volunteer service.  Both male or female volunteers are available to work with a family and can provide practical and emotional support such as a listening ear, encouragement, provide information about local services and discuss parenting ideas.

Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre 5443 6696

Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

For families with children aged 2-8 yrs experiencing a range of behavioural issues.  PCIT uses direct coaching of the parent/carer to achieve it’s dual goals of behaviour management and relationship building. 

Families Plus Maroochydore 5452 8000

Lifeline Community Care

For counselling, family support and workshops in parenting, anger management, self-esteem etc.

Maroochydore 5409 2600  CRISIS phone support also available 131 114


Paradise Playgroup

Paradise Playgroup

Last reviewed 03 April 2020
Last updated 03 April 2020